The Galactic Whirlpool
David Gerrold
Star Trek: Bantam Books (12)
Kathleen Sky
Star Trek: Bantam Books (5)
The Price of the Phoenix
Sondra Marshak & Myrna Culbreath
Star Trek: Bantam Books (3)
The Fate of the Phoenix
Star Trek: Bantam Books (9)
Planet of Judgment
Joe Haldeman
Star Trek: Bantam Books (4)
World Without End
Star Trek: Bantam Books (8)
Trek to Madworld
Stephen Goldin
Star Trek: Bantam Books (7)
The Starless World
Gordon Eklund
Star Trek: Bantam Books (6)
Devil World
Star Trek: Bantam Books (10)
Spock, Messiah!
Theodore R. Cogswell & Charles A. Spano, Jr.
Star Trek: Bantam Books (2)
Spock Must Die!
James Blish
Star Trek: Bantam Books (1)
Star Trek Lives!
Jacqueline Lichtenberg & Sondra Marshak & Joan Winston
Star Trek: Nonfiction (2)
Star Trek: The New Voyages
Star Trek: The New Voyages (1)
Star Trek: The New Voyages 2
Star Trek: The New Voyages (2)
Station in Space
James E. Gunn
Station in Space Universe (1)
Judgement Day
Randall Frakes
Terminator 2 (2)
The Terminator
Randall Frakes & Bill Wisher
Terminator Universe (1)
Prince of Time
Glenna McReynolds
The Chalice and the Blade (3)
The Chalice and the Blade
The Chalice and the Blade (1)
Walkers of the Wind
William Sarabande
The First Americans (4)