The Starless World

Gordon Eklund

Book 6 of Star Trek: Bantam Books

Language: English


Publisher: Bantam Books

Published: Nov 2, 1978

Quality: 2


Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise become captives in a fool's paradise whose strange inhabitants are more than willing to face the judgment of their angry god--a black hole.

From the book jacket (1984 edition)
Captain's LogStardate 6532.1
While investigating rumors of renewed activity by theKlingon Empire within the Galactic Core, theEnterprise made contact with a shuttlecraft from the USS Rickover, a starship presumed lost with all hands over 20 years ago. The lone occupant of that shuttlecraft – Thomas Clayton, once my roommate at Starfleet Academy, now the self-proclaimed chosen son and favored prophet of a deity he calls Ay-nab. I had planned on disregarding Clayton entirely – until control of our engines was seized by an as-yet-unexplained outside force... a force, Clayton insists, that is now taking us to meet his god.


The Enterprise is sent to investigate Klingon activity in the galactic core. They encounter a shuttlecraft piloted Thomas Clayton, from the long-lost ship, the USS Rickover. Clayton is also an old friend of Kirk's, a former roommate from his time at Starfleet Academy.

Kirk is prepared to dismiss his unfortunate friend as a madman until a mysterious force seizes control of the ship. Clayton declares the Enterprise is now going to meet his new god.