Planet of Judgment is an early Star Treknovel, written in 1977 by Joe Haldeman. According to the author, he was approached for a two-book contract at the suggestion of Fred Pohl.[1]
The crew of the Starship Enterprise detects a planet orbiting a miniature black hole. This seems to contravene all scientific laws. Assuming that the system is artificial, Captain Kirk leads a landing party to the planet's surface, where they become trapped. The crew find themselves at the center of a galactic conflict, in which an alien race is threatening to invade Federation space. Dr. McCoy, Mr. Spock, and Captain Kirk must participate in a series of trials that will determine not just their survival, but that of the Federation.
Planet of Judgment is an early Star Trek novel, written in 1977 by Joe Haldeman. According to the author, he was approached for a two-book contract at the suggestion of Fred Pohl.[1]
The crew of the Starship Enterprise detects a planet orbiting a miniature black hole. This seems to contravene all scientific laws. Assuming that the system is artificial, Captain Kirk leads a landing party to the planet's surface, where they become trapped. The crew find themselves at the center of a galactic conflict, in which an alien race is threatening to invade Federation space. Dr. McCoy, Mr. Spock, and Captain Kirk must participate in a series of trials that will determine not just their survival, but that of the Federation.