A Kingdom for Micajah
Virginia Frazer Boyle
The Devil's Little Fly
Dark er de Moon
The Black Cat
Asmodeus in the Quarters
The Lost Continent
Weatherby Chesney
The Moon Metal
Garrett P. Serviss
The Monster and Other Stories
Stephen Crane
Ghosts I Have Met and Some Others
John Kendrick Bangs
Carleton Barker, First and Second
The Dampmere Mystery
The Great Stone of Sardis
Frank R. Stockton & Holly Lisle
Tales of Space and Time
H. G. Wells
The Kinetoscope of Time
Brander Matthews
A Confidential Postscript
The Dream-Gown of the Japanese Ambassador
A Primer of Imaginary Geography
Tales of Fantasy and Fact
The Idiot
His "Day in Court"
Charles Egbert Craddock