Fairy Tales From all Nations
Anthony R. Montalba
The Queen of Hearts
Wilkie Collins
Atlantis: the Antediluvian World
Ignatius Donnelly
With the Eyes Shut
Edward Bellamy
The Wonderful Adventures of Phra the Phoenician
Edwin L. Arnold
The Horla
Guy De Maupassant
George du Maurier
The Idiot
John Kendrick Bangs
His "Day in Court"
Charles Egbert Craddock
The Moonshiners at Hobo-Hebee Falls
The Phantoms of the Foot-Bridge
The Riddle of the Rocks
Way Down in Lonesome Cove
The Kinetoscope of Time
Brander Matthews
A Confidential Postscript
The Dream-Gown of the Japanese Ambassador
A Primer of Imaginary Geography
Tales of Fantasy and Fact
Tales of Space and Time
H. G. Wells
The Great Stone of Sardis
Frank R. Stockton & Holly Lisle