Dungeon Magazine 1988-05/1988-06 #011
The Dragon 1988-05 #133
The Dragon
Polyhedron 1988-05 #41
The Dragon 1988-04 #132
Dungeon Magazine 1988-03/1988-04 #010
The Dragon 1988-03 #131
Polyhedron 1988-03 #40
The Dragon 1988-02 #130
Dungeon Magazine 1988-01/1988-02 #009
The Dragon 1988-01 #129
Polyhedron 1988-01 #39
The Dragon 1987-12 #128
Dungeon Magazine 1987-11/1987-12 #008
The Dragon 1987-11 #127
Polyhedron 1987-11 #38
The Dragon 1987-10 #126
Dungeon Magazine 1987-09/1987-10 #007
The Dragon 1987-09 #125
Polyhedron 1987-09 #37
The Dragon 1987-08 #124