The Dragon 1989-04 #144
The Dragon
Dungeon Magazine 1989-03/1989-04 #016
The Dragon 1989-03 #143
Polyhedron 1989-03 #46
The Dragon 1989-02 #142
Dungeon Magazine 1989-01/1989-02 #015
The Dragon 1989-01 #141
Polyhedron 1989-01 #45
The Dragon 1988-12 #140
Dungeon Magazine 1988-11 /1988-12 #014
The Dragon 1988-11 #139
The Dragon 1988-10 #138
Dungeon Magazine 1988-09/1988-10 #013
The Dragon 1988-09 #137
Polyhedron 1988-09 #43
The Dragon 1988-08 #136
Dungeon Magazine 1988-07/1988-08 #012
The Dragon 1988-07 #135
Polyhedron 1988-07 #42
The Dragon 1988-06 #134