Paranoid: A Chant
Stephen King
The Passing of Aphrodite
Clark Ashton Smith
Prose Pastels (5)
Pelts of Trolls
Marge Simon
The Phantom
Walter de la Mare
The Prime of Life
Isaac Asimov
The Prince (from Grannie's Garden)
Mary E. Choo
The Princess Almeena
Prometheus Bound
Mikal Trimm
H. P. Lovecraft
HPLovecraft (1)
Lester Del Rey
The Raven
Edgar Allan Poe
Reading the Entrails: A Rondel
Neil Gaiman
Rejection Slips
Return to the Mutant Rain Forest
Bruce Boston & Robert Frazier
"Reward of Virtue"
L. Sprague de Camp
The Ride-By-Nights
The Rubaiyat (XXIX)
Omar Khayyam & Ricardo Silva-Santistebán