In the Wake of the Quiet One
Kendall Evans
Dante Alighieri & Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Inside the Bubble Chamber
Robert Frazier
Neil Gaiman
Inventing Aladdin
The Iron Pillar of Delhi
L. Sprague de Camp
The Island and the Cattle
Nicholas Moore
Edgar Allan Poe
Lewis Carroll
Kelly the Conjure-Man
Robert E. Howard
Kubla Khan
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
La Belle Dame sans Merci
John Keats
The Last Madman
William Sanders
The Last Martian
Stanley G. Weinbaum
Les Métamorphoses du vampire
Charles P. Baudelaire
A Limerick History of Science Fiction
Mike Resnick
The Litany of the Seven Kisses
Clark Ashton Smith
"The Little Green Men"
untitled ('Little Tiger, burning bright')
H. P. Lovecraft
[Christmas Greetings] (80)