Armed & Magical
Lisa Shearin
Raine Benares (2)
The Armies of Memory
John Barnes
A Million Open Doors (4)
The Army of the Dead
Frederick C. Davis
Operator #5 (1)
Arrow's Flight
Mercedes Lackey
Valdemar (2)
Arrows of the Sun
Judith Tarr
Avaryan Rising (4)
Arrows of Time
Kim Falconer
Quantum Enchantment (2)
The Lost Colony
Eoin Colfer
Artemis Fowl (5)
Arthas: The Rise of the Lich King
Christie Golden
World of Warcraft (6)
As I Die Lying
Scott Nicholson
Ascendancy of the Last
Lisa Smedman
Forgotten Realms: The Lady Penitent (3)
H. P. Lovecraft
The Asimov Chronicles: Fifty Years of Isaac Asimov!
Isaac Asimov
The Asimov Chronicles (1)
The Assassin King
Elizabeth Haydon
The War of the Known World Trilogy (1)
Assassin's Apprentice
Megan Lindholm
The Farseer (1)
The Assassin's Edge
Juliet E. McKenna
Tales of Einarinn (5)
Assassin's Quest
The Farseer (3)