Set in the medieval fantasy kingdom of Valdemar, this unique and exciting novel continues the story of Talia. Having mastered the powers necessary to a guardian of the kingdom, she faces the final preparation for her initiation as adviser and protector of the Queen.
Talia can scarcely belive that she has finally earned the rank of full Herald. Yet thought this seems like the fulfillment of all her dreams, it also means that she will face trials far greater than those she had previously survived.
Set in the medieval fantasy kingdom of Valdemar, this unique and exciting novel continues the story of Talia. Having mastered the powers necessary to a guardian of the kingdom, she faces the final preparation for her initiation as adviser and protector of the Queen. SUMMARY: Talia can scarcely belive that she has finally earned the rank of full Herald. Yet thought this seems like the fulfillment of all her dreams, it also means that she will face trials far greater than those she had previously survived.