[Metrical Example]
H. P. Lovecraft
The Bull
Jane Yolen
In The K-Mart at Galactic Central
Bud Webster
Eucatastrophe Poem
Jo Walton
Comet H - The Interloper
Barbara Walsh
Contemplations of the Clock Woman
JoSelle Vanderhooft
Prometheus Bound
Mikal Trimm
Sonya Taaffe
Follow Me Home
Pelts of Trolls
Marge Simon
The Last Madman
William Sanders
The View from the Fishbowl
Jenn Reese
Ode to Multiple Universes
Terry Pratchett
I Can Feel the Drilling
Drew Morse
Distant Stars
Pam McNew
After the Chuck Jones Tribute on Teletoon
Sharon Mccartney
To Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Eddy, Jr.
[Christmas Greetings] (96)
Waste Paper: A Poem of Profound Insignificance
The Conscript
Jay Lake