Conan the Liberator
L. Sprague de Camp & Lin Carter
Conan Pastiches (2)
Conan the Barbarian
Conan Pastiches (98)
Conan the Warlord
Leonard Carpenter
Conan Pastiches (13)
Conan the Hero
Conan Pastiches (25)
Conan the Relentless
Roland J. Green
Conan Pastiches (1)
Conan at the Demon's Gate
Conan and the Mists of Doom
Conan and the Gods of the Mountain
Conan the Valiant
Conan and the Emerald Lotus
John C. Hocking
Conan the Invincible
Robert Jordan
Conan the Defender
Conan the Unconquered
Conan Pastiches (4)
Conan the Triumphant
Conan Pastiches (3)
Conan the Magnificent
Conan Pastiches (5)
Conan the Destroyer
Conan Pastiches (164)
Conan the Victorious
Conan Pastiches (14)
Conan the Hunter
Sean A. Moore
The Sword of Skelos
Andrew J. Offutt
Conan Pastiches (46)
Conan the Fearless
Steve Perry