Sara Genge
Raindogs and Dustpuppets
Chris Gauthier
The Green Corn Dance
Emily Gaskin
Joined Together
Chris Garrett
In a Mirror
Kim Fryer
The Los Angeles Women's Auxiliary Superhero League
Elana Frink
Pockmarked Cement
Kaolin Fire
Women Are Ugly
Eliot Fintushel
My Termen
Bone Women
Moons Like Great White Whales
Charles Coleman Finlay
The Moon Is Always Full
Water, Fire, and Faith
S. Evans
Louisa, Johnny, and the North Shore Huldre
Indra's Rice
Ignis Fatuus
Timons Esaias
Show and Tell
Greg van Eekhout
In the Late December
Dream the Moon
Linda J. Dunn
Somewhere in Central Queensland
Grace Dugan