Memoir of a Deer Woman
M. Rickert
Titanium Mike Saves the Day
David D. Levine
A Thing Forbidden
Donald Mead
Gene Wolfe
Telefunken Remix
A. A. Attanasio
The Great White Bed
Don Webb
K. D. Wentworth
Mélanie Fazi
An Eye for an Eye
Charles Coleman Finlay
Wizard's Six
Alexander C. Irvine
Lázaro y Antonio
Marta Randall
Daughters of Prime
Lawrence C. Connolly
Car 17
P. E. Cunningham
Stars Seen Through Stone
Lucius Shepard
Cold Comfort
Ray Vukcevich
The Mole Cure
Nancy Farmer
At These Prices
Esther M. Friesner
Envoy Extraordinary
Albert E. Cowdrey
Requirements for the Mythology Merit Badge
Kevin N. Haw
Wrong Number
Alexander Jablokov