Tom Swift and His Subocean Geotron
Jim Lawrence
Tom Swift, Jr. (27)
Tom Swift and the Mystery Comet
Tom Swift, Jr. (28)
Tom Swift and His Polar-Ray Dynasphere
Tom Swift, Jr. (25)
Tom Swift and His Aquatomic Tracker
Tom Swift, Jr. (23)
Tom Swift and His 3-D Telejector
Tom Swift, Jr. (24)
Tom Swift and the Asteroid Pirates
Tom Swift, Jr. (21)
Tom Swift and His Repelatron Skyway
Tom Swift, Jr. (22)
Tom Swift and His Triphibian Atomicar
Tom Swift, Jr. (19)
Tom Swift and His Megascope Space Prober
Tom Swift, Jr. (20)
Tom Swift and the Visitor from Planet X
Tom Swift, Jr. (17)
Tom Swift and the Electronic Hydrolung
Tom Swift, Jr. (18)