Camp Nowhere
Kit Reed
SinBad the Sand Sailor
R. Garcia y Robertson
Analog Science Fiction and Fact 2009-07/2009-08 v129n07-08
Stephen L. Burns
The Monsters of Morgan Island
Sandra McDonald
Controlled Experiment
Tom Purdom
Bare, Forked Animal
John Alfred Taylor
Sails the Morne
Chris Willrich
Analog Science Fiction and Fact 2009-06 v129n06
Asimov's Science Fiction 2009-06 v33n06 401
Asimov's Science Fiction
Among the Tchi
Adam-Troy Castro
The Sleeping Beauties
Robert R. Chase
667, Evil and Then Some
Marilyn Todd
Analog Science Fiction and Fact 2009-05 v129n05
Atomic Truth
Chris Beckett
This Wind Blowing, and This Tide
Damien Broderick
Gunfight on Farside
Nancy Kress
A Jug of Wine and Thou
Jerry Oltion
True Fame
Robert Reed