Lisa Goldstein
As You Know, Bob
John G. Hemry
End Game
Nancy Kress
Fifth Day
Jack McDevitt
Jerry Oltion
Distant Replay
Mike Resnick
Dead Money
Lucius Shepard
The Eater of Dreams
Robert Silverberg
A Small Room in Koboldtown
Michael Swanwick
Wolves of the Spirit
Liz Williams
Green Glass
Gene Wolfe
Don't Kill the Messenger
Kim Zimring
Analog Science Fiction and Fact 2007-03 v127n03
Misquoting the Moon
David Bartell
Amy Bechtel
Chainsaw on Hand
Deborah Coates
Babel 3000
Colin P. Davies
The Sanguine
Jim Grimsley
Public Safety
Matthew Johnson
The Lion
Bruce McAllister