The Companion
Joe R. Lansdale & Keith Lansdale & Kasey Lansdale
Possession: A Romance
A. S. Byatt
Little Green Men
Christopher Buckley
White Shark
Peter Benchley
The Fermata
Nicholson Baker
Gore Vidal
Carl Sagan
Star Trek: The Prisoner of Vega
Sharon Lerner & Christopher Cerf
Dean R. Koontz
Something Up There Likes Me
Alfred Bester
Schrödinger's Cat
Ursula K. Le Guin
Magic Terror: Seven Tales
Peter Straub
But As a Soldier, For His Country
Stephen Goldin
The Eyeflash Miracles
Gene Wolfe
The Rubber Bend
My Sweet Lady Jo
Howard Waldrop
Assault on a City
Jack Vance
The Affair of the Twisted Scarf
Rex Stout
A Sea of Faces
Robert Silverberg
Capricorn Games