Dean R. Koontz
The Man Who Was Everywhere
Edward D. Hoch
Adventures in Time and Space
Raymond J. Healy & J. F. McComas
Schrödinger's Cat
Ursula K. Le Guin
The White Wolf
Franklin Gregory
Stungun Slim
Ron Goulart
But As a Soldier, For His Country
Stephen Goldin
The Man Who Folded Himself
David Gerrold
A Fable
William Faulkner
Free City Blues
Gordon Eklund
The Ghost Writer
George Alec Effinger
How It Felt
The Long Wait for Tomorrow
Joaquin Dorfman
Thomas M. Disch
The Gremlins
Roald Dahl
The Universal Baseball Association, Inc., J. Henry Waugh, Prop.
Robert Coover
When the Twerms Came
Arthur C. Clarke