Uncharted Stars
Andre Norton
Jern Murdoc (2)
The Uncharted Isle
Clark Ashton Smith
Unchained and Unhinged
Joe R. Lansdale
C. J. Barry
The Uncertainty
Paul Melniczek
Jerry Oltion
John W. Campbell, Jr.
The Uncertain Path
Jude Watson
Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice (6)
Uncanny Tales 1940-11
Uncanny Tales
Kim Harrison & Jeaniene Frost & Vicki Pettersson & Jocelynn Drake & Melissa Marr
Lori Devoti
Unbound (Lori Devoti) (1)
Unborn Tomorrow
Mack Reynolds
Unborn Again
Chris Lawson
The Unblemished
Conrad Williams
Un-Birthday Boy
James White
The Unbidden Truth
Kate Wilhelm
Barbara Holloway (8)
Unbending Eye
Jim Grimsley
The Unbeheaded King
L. Sprague de Camp
The Reluctant King (3)