The Devil's Eye
Jack McDevitt
Alex Benedict (4)
Graham McNeill
The Horus Heresy (9)
Strength and Honor
R. M. Meluch
Tour of the Merrimack (4)
The Lord-Protector's Daughter
L. E. MOdesitt, Jr.
Corean Chronicles (7)
Magic to the Bone
Devon Monk
Allie Beckstrom (1)
That Saturday
Wicked Is the Night
Catherine Mulvany
Prize of Gor
John Norman
Gor (27)
Search for the Star Stones
Andre Norton
Jern Murdoc (91)
Benjamin Parzybok
The Golden Tower
Fiona Patton
Warriors of Estavia (2)
Night Shifted
Kate Paulk
Mating Claire
Jenny Penn
Sea Island Wolves (1)
Seeing a Large Cat
Barbara Michaels
Amelia Peabody (9)
The Engine's Child
Holly Phillips
Chaos Space
Marianne de Pierres
The Sentients of Orion (2)
Tanglefoot (A Story of the Clockwork Century)
Cherie Priest
Clockwork Century Universe (0.1)
Gooble, Gobble, One of Us
Charles Edgar Quinn
Museum Hauntings
Irene Radford
The Birthing House
Christopher Ransom