Julia Leigh
Fools' Experiments
Edward M. Lerner
New Tricks
John Levitt
Dog Days (2)
Twelve Stepping in the Dark
Rebecca Lickiss
Blood Bargain
Maria Lima
Blood Lines (2)
Thirteen Orphans
Jane Lindskold
Breaking the Wall (1)
Bug Eyes
Richard A. Lovett
On the Prowl
Karen MacInerney
Tales of an Urban Werewolf (2)
Heir to Sevenwaters
Juliet Marillier
Sevenwaters (4)
Ghost Music
Graham Masterton
Todd McCaffrey
Dragonriders of Pern (1)
The Devil's Eye
Jack McDevitt
Alex Benedict (4)
Graham McNeill
The Horus Heresy (9)
Strength and Honor
R. M. Meluch
Tour of the Merrimack (4)
The Lord-Protector's Daughter
L. E. MOdesitt, Jr.
Corean Chronicles (7)
Magic to the Bone
Devon Monk
Allie Beckstrom (1)
That Saturday
Wicked Is the Night
Catherine Mulvany
Prize of Gor
John Norman
Gor (27)
Search for the Star Stones
Andre Norton
Jern Murdoc (91)