Aurora Quest
Laurence James
Earth Blood (3)
Aurora in Four Voices
Catherine Asaro
Skolian Short Fiction (5)
Aunt Dimity Takes a Holiday
Nancy Atherton
Aunt Dimity (8)
Atlas Shrugged
Ayn Rand
Atlantis Gate
Bob Mayer
Atlantis (Greg Donegan) (4)
Steven Brust
Vlad Taltos (6)
Astroboy: The Movie: The Novel
Tracey West
Assemblers of Infinity
Kevin J. Anderson & Doug Beason
Assault on Atlantis
Atlantis (Greg Donegan) (5)
The Ask and the Answer
Patrick Ness
Chaos Walking (2)
Ashes to Ashes
Jennifer Armintrout
Blood Ties (Jennifer Armintrout) (3)
Ascendancy of the Last
Lisa Smedman
Forgotten Realms: The Lady Penitent (3)
As I Die Lying
Scott Nicholson
Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime 3
Paul Preuss
Venus Prime (3)
Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime
Venus Prime (1)
Arthas: The Rise of the Lich King
Christie Golden
World of Warcraft (6)
The Art of Racing in the Rain
Garth Stein
The Armies of Memory
John Barnes
A Million Open Doors (4)
Armada of Antares
Kenneth Bulmer
Dray Prescot (11)
Ark Liberty
Brad Strickland