Sean Williams & Shane Dix
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order (15)
The Final Prophecy
J. Gregory Keyes
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order (18)
Aaron Allston
Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi (1)
Fate of the Jedi I.I: Outcast Supplement Letter 1
Star Wars 6: Legacy Era (12.1)
The Phantom Menace
Terry Brooks
Star Wars: Episode I (30)
Rebel Stand
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order (12)
Rebel Dream
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order (11)
The Swarm War
Troy Denning
Star Wars: Dark Nest (3)
The Unseen Queen
Star Wars: Dark Nest (2)
The Joiner King
Star Wars: Dark Nest (1)
Dark Empire III: Empire's End
Tom Veitch & Jim Baikie
Star Wars New Republic Era (18)
The Crystal Star
Vonda N. McIntyre
Star Wars (33)
The Cestus Deception
Steven Barnes
Star Wars: Clone Wars (59)
The Approaching Storm
Alan Dean Foster
Star Wars (49)
Timothy Zahn
Star Wars (28)