The Confessions of Max Tivoli
Andrew Sean Greer
Confessions of a Demon
Susan Wright
Allay (1)
Richard Baker
Forgotten Realms: War of the Spider Queen (3)
Conan the Usurper
Robert E. Howard & L. Sprague de Camp
Conan (1)
Conan the Unconquered
Robert Jordan
Conan Pastiches (4)
Conan the Triumphant
Conan Pastiches (3)
Conan the Swordsman
L. Sprague de Camp & Lin Carter & Björn Nyberg
Conan (13)
Conan the Liberator
L. Sprague de Camp & Lin Carter
Conan Pastiches (2)
Conan the Invincible
Conan the Indomitable
Steve Perry
Conan Pastiches (1)
Conan the Hunter
Sean A. Moore
Conan Pastiches (5)
Conan the Freebooter
Conan (3)
Conan the Free Lance
Conan the Formidable
Conan the Fearless
Conan the Defiant
Conan the Defender