Diane Carey
Star Trek: Voyager (1)
Dean Wesley Smith & Kristine Kathryn Rusch & Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Star Trek: Voyager (15)
Distant Shores
Marco Palmieri
VOY Unnumbered (17)
Delta Quadrant: The Unofficial Guide to Voyager
David A. McIntee
Non-Fiction (12)
Death of a Neutron Star
Yoji Kondo
Star Trek: Voyager (17)
Planet Killer (3)
Day of Honor: The Television Episode
Michael Jan Friedman
Star Trek: Voyager (3)
Dark Passions, Book Two
Susan Wright
Crossovers (14)
Shariann Lewitt
Star Trek: Voyager (8)
Jeffrey Lang
VOY Unnumbered (16)
Cloak and Dagger
Christie Golden
VOY (19)
The Chance Factor
Diana G. Gallagher & Martin R. Burke
Star Trek Voyager Starfleet Academy (2)
Julia Ecklar & Karen Rose Cercone
The Captain's Table
Jerry Oltion
Captain's Table (0)
Captain Proton: Defender of the Earth
Dean Wesley Smith
Captain Proton (1)
The Brave and the Bold, Book Two
Keith R. A. Decandido
Crossovers (0)
Bless the Beasts
Karen Haber
Star Trek: Voyager (10)
The Black Shore
Greg Cox
Star Trek: Voyager (13)
Battle Lines
Greg Brodeur & Dave Galanter
Star Trek: Voyager (18)
The Badlands Book Two of Two
Star Trek Crossovers (10)