The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
J. R. R. Tolkien
Middle Earth Universe (1)
Angels and Spaceships
Fredric Brown
Navy Day
Harry Harrison
Philip Wylie
Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus
Isaac Asimov
Lucky Starr (3)
Chain of Command
Stephen Arr
The Thing in the Attic
James Blish
Pantropy (3)
The Father-Thing
Philip K. Dick
The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick (3)
The Long Tomorrow
Leigh Brackett
Star Bridge
Jack Williamson & James E. Gunn
The Answer
The Return of the King
The Lord of the Rings (3)
Algis Budrys
Arthur C. Clarke
Space Trilogy (2)
The End of Eternity
Operation Earthworm
Joe Archibald
Blessed Are the Meek
G. C. Edmondson
Conan the Freebooter
Robert E. Howard & L. Sprague de Camp
Conan (3)
Tiger! Tiger!
Alfred Bester
Double Star
Robert A. Heinlein