Jade Blue
Edward Bryant
Don Delillo
Emma Tupper's Diary
Peter Dickinson
The World Treasury of Science Fiction
David G. Hartwell
And So On, and So On
James Tiptree, Jr.
The Herod Men
Nick Kamin
Never Cry Human
Sterling E. Lanier
Alice's World
Sam Lundwall
Gerry Anderson's UFO 2
John Burke
Horrors Unknown
Sam Moskowitz
Dark Planet
John T. Phillifent
Keep the Giraffe Burning
John Sladek
No Time For Heroes
Bernhard (1)
The Best Science Fiction of the Year
Terry Carr
Best SF of the Year (1)
Created, the Destroyer
Warren Murphy & Richard Sapir
The Destroyer (1)
The Forest of Forever
Thomas Burnett Swann
The Minotaur Trilogy (2)
Tom Swift and the Galaxy Ghosts
Richard McKenna (I)
Tom Swift, Jr. (33)
Universe 1
Universe (1)
Among the Dead
The World Menders
Lloyd Biggle, Jr.
Interplanetary Relations Bureau (2)