The Jargoon Pard
Andre Norton
High Hallack (4)
Lavender-Green Magic
Magic (Andre Norton) (5)
A Midsummer Tempest
Poul Anderson
The Perilous Gard
Elizabeth Marie Pope
House of Zeor
Jacqueline Lichtenberg
Sime/Gen (4)
Rings of Ice
Piers Anthony
Susan Cooper
The Dark is Rising (3)
Triple Detente
Richard Adams
Beklan Empire (1)
Fire Time
Gunnar Heim (1)
Arena of Antares
Kenneth Bulmer
Dray Prescot (7)
The Great Ghost Rescue
Eva Ibbotson
The Shockwave Rider
John Brunner
Karl Edward Wagner
Kane (3)
Fliers of Antares
Dray Prescot (8)
Merlin's Mirror
Neq the Sword
Battle Circle (3)
The Coming of the Horseclans
Robert Adams
Horseclans (1)
Bladesman of Antares
Dray Prescot (9)
Companions on the Road
Tanith Lee