The Invasion
H. G. Stratmann
The Dying World
Lavie Tidhar
The Culture Archivist
Jeremiah Tolbert
Carthago Delenda Est
Genevieve Valentine
Bugs in the Arroyo
Steven Gould
7th Sigma (1)
Off Track Betting
Madeline Ashby
The Five Days of Justice Merriwell
Stephanie Burgis
After the First Death
Jerry Craven
Benjamin Crowell
Madman's Bargain
Richard Foss
Carl Frederick
Slow Stampede
Sara Genge
R. Neube
Herding Vegetable Sheep
Ekaterina Sedia
Cherrystone and Shards of Ice
The Mind of a Pig
Grace Seybold
The Loyalty of Birds
Rachel Sobel
An Editor Darkly
Paul Di Filippo
Plumage from Pegasus (1)
Untangling the Future
Ingrid Banwell