Nova Midplane
C. M. Kornbluth
Frederik Pohl
Sunspot Purge
Clifford D. Simak
Death's Option
Schuyler G. Edsall
Asokore Power
L. Sprague de Camp
The Bleak Shore
Fritz Leiber
Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser (1)
The Stellar Legion
Leigh Brackett
Venus (1)
The Day Time Stopped Moving
Ed Earl Repp
Uranian Justice
Wilbur S. Peacock
Ross Rocklynne
Homo Sol
Isaac Asimov
Robots, Empire, Foundation (8)
Done Without Eagles
Lester Del Rey
The Tapestry Gate
Lost Treasure of Mars
Edmond Hamilton
Captain Future's Worlds of Tomorrow (5)
The Magnificent Possession
Robots, Empire, Foundation (7)
Jack Williamson
The Pipes of Pan
The Thing that Killed
Paul Chadwick
Arton's Metal
Ray Cummings