Tomorrow Lies in Ambush
Bob Shaw
Sturgeon Is Alive and Well ...
Theodore Sturgeon
Alton's Unguessable
Jeff Sutton
The Noblest Experiment in the Galaxy
Louis Trimble
The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 4
Harry Harrison & Brian Aldiss
Best SF (4)
The Peculiar Exploits of Brigadier Ffellowes
Sterling E. Lanier
Brigadier Ffellowes (1)
Daughter of Fu Manchu
Sax Rohmer
Dr. Fu Manchu (4)
The Mabinogion
Evangeline Walton
Mabinogi (39)
The Compleat Crow
Brian Lumley
Titus Crow (1)
Cosmic Kaleidoscope
Mrs. Pigafetta Swims Well
Reginald Bretnor
Georgy Porgy
Roald Dahl
Royal Jelly
The Best of Sci-Fi 5
Judith Merril
The Year's Best S-F (5)
Sleeping Beauty
Robert Bloch
Through the Tunnel
Doris Lessing
The Mind Spider and Other Stories
Fritz Leiber
Change War (2)
The Theft of the Thirty-Nine Girdles
Clark Ashton Smith
Satampra Zeiros (1)