Mellonta Tauta
Edgar Allan Poe
The Coral Island; or, The Hereditary Curse
George W. M. Reynolds
Egotism: or, The Bosom Serpent
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Celestial Railroad
The Artist of the Beautiful
The Birth-Mark
Young Goodman Brown
Drowne's Wooden Image
Roger Malvin's Burial
Mrs. Bullfrog
Mosses from an Old Manse
The Birthmark
Rappaccini's Daughter
Rappaccini (1)
The Sexton's Hero
Mrs. Gaskell
The Cask of Amontillado
Fortunado (1)
The Tinder-Box
Hans Christian Andersen & Walter Zimmerman & Cindy Hardin Killavey
The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
The Sleeper
The Haunted Palace