Young Frankenstein
Gilbert Pearlman
Escape from the Planet of the Apes
Jerry Pournelle
Planet of the Apes (2)
Moon Odyssey
Douglas R. Mason
Space 1999 (2)
Astral Quest
Space 1999 (6)
Lunar Attack
Space 1999 (5)
Curtis Richards
Halloween (1)
E. C. Tubb
Space 1999 (1)
Collision Course
Space 1999 (4)
It's Alive!
Richard Woodley
Time and the Rani
Pip Baker & Jane Baker
Doctor Who Target Novelizations (128)
Terror of the Vervoids
Doctor Who Target Novelizations (125)
Christopher H. Bidmead
Doctor Who Target Novelizations (91)
David Bischoff
The Blob
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Campbell Black
Indiana Jones (film novelizations) (1)
The Macra Terror
Ian Stuart Black
Doctor Who Target Novelizations (123)
The Savages
Doctor Who Target Novelizations (109)
Ian Briggs
Doctor Who Target Novelizations (137)
Conan the Barbarian
L. Sprague de Camp & Lin Carter
Conan Pastiches (98)
The Abyss
Orson Scott Card