Prince Zaleski
M. P. Shiel
The Purple Cloud
The Lady or the Tiger?
Frank R. Stockton
The Great Stone of Sardis
Frank R. Stockton & Holly Lisle
Valley of the Croen
Lee Tarbell
The End of Time
Wallace West
Devil Crystals of Arret
Hal K. Wells
The Cavern of the Shining Ones
Zehru of Xollar
The Sleeper Awakes
H. G. Wells & Vernor Vinge
The War in the Air
The Wonderful Visit
A Modern Utopia
H. G. Wells
The Invisible Man
The Invisible Man (1)
Spawn of the Comet
H. Thompson Rich
The Vortex Blaster
Edward E. Smith
Vortex Blaster (5)
Skylark Three
Edward E. Smith & David A. Kyle
Skylark (2)
Spacehounds of IPC
Out of Time's Abyss
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Caspak (3)
Jungle Tales of Tarzan
Tarzan (6)