The Velvet Glove
Harry Harrison
The Repairman
Arm of the Law
One Purple Hope!
Henry Hasse
What Rough Beast?
Jefferson Highe
Rough Translation
Jean M. Janis
The Invaders
Murray Leinster
Know Thy Neighbor
Elisabeth R. Lewis
The Psilent Partner
John Victor Peterson & Edward S. Staub
Frederik Pohl
The Knights of Arthur
Mr. Chipfellow's Jackpot
Dick Purcell
Conquest Over Time
Michael Shaara
The World That Couldn't Be
Clifford D. Simak
The Romantic Analogue
W. W. Skupeldyckle
Collector's Item
Evelyn E. Smith
Helpfully Yours
The Venus Trap
B-12's Moon Glow
Charles A. Stearns
B (1)
The Marooner