The Summer King
O. R. Melling
The Chronicles of Faerie (2)
Lord Malquist and Mr. Moon
Tom Stoppard
Arianna Kelt and the Wizards of Skyhall
J. R. King
Fallen Angels
Stephen Kenson
Shadowrun (43)
Poison Agendas
Shadowrun (42)
Batman Journal
Dc Comics
Batman (1)
States of Grace
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Count of Saint-Germain (18)
Maze of Trees
Claudia O'Keefe
The Dare
Susan Kearney
Rystani (2)
The Dawn Stag
Jules Watson
The Dalriada Trilogy (2)
Beyond Black
Hilary Mantel
The Lady of the Sea
Rosalind Miles
Tristan and Isolde (3)
Dark of the Sun
Count of Saint-Germain (17)
The White Mare
The Dalriada Trilogy (1)
Weird Detectives: Recent Investigations
Paula Guran
The Maid of the White Hands
Tristan and Isolde (2)
The Lion
Stephen D. Sullivan
Clan War (7)
The Dragon
Ree Soesbee
Clan War (6)
No Survivors
R. L. Stine
Nightmare Room Thrillogy (3)
The Burning Time
Shadowrun (40)