How to Be a Soldier
Brian W. Aldiss
Lost in a Pyramid, or the Mummy's Curse
Louisa May Alcott
A Strange Island
The Algorithm
Tim Akers
May/December at the Mall
Brian Dana Akers
The Miniature
John Yonge Akerman
Leaving the Station
Jim Aikin
An Elvish Sword of Great Antiquity
Run! Run!
Goblin Music
Joan Aiken
The Rented Swan
Silent Snow, Secret Snow
Conrad Aiken
Where Virtue Lives
Saladin Ahmed
Forrest Aguirre
Keys I Don't Remember
A Fifth Noble Truth
David Agranoff
Dev Agarwal
The Great Old Pumpkin
John Aegard
Planting Time
Pete Adams & Charles Nightingale
The Frozen People
Danny Adams