The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across the Eighth Dimension
Earl Mac Rauch
Moon Odyssey
Douglas R. Mason
Space 1999 (2)
Lunar Attack
Space 1999 (5)
Astral Quest
Space 1999 (6)
Escape from the Planet of the Apes
Jerry Pournelle
Planet of the Apes (2)
Ghost Light
Marc Platt
Doctor Who Target Novelizations (149)
Doctor Who Target Novelizations (152)
Night of the Wolves: 2345-2357
S. D. Perry & Britta Dennison
The Lost Era (9)
The Pescatons
Victor Pemberton
Doctor Who Target Novelizations (153)
Where No Man Has Gone Before
Samuel A. Peeples
Star Trek Fotonovel (2)
The Chase
John Peel
Doctor Who Target Novelizations (140)
Mission to the Unknown
Doctor Who Target Novelizations (141)
The Mutation of Time
Doctor Who Target Novelizations (142)
The Power of the Daleks
Doctor Who Target Novelizations (154)
Young Frankenstein
Gilbert Pearlman
Angelique's Descent
Lara Parker
Dark Shadows - New Series (1)
Star Trek: First Contact: The Movie Storybook
Aladdin Paperbacks
Mel Odom
Hellgate London (2)
Batman: Knightfall
Dennis O'Neil
Batman (3)
Newtons Sleep
Daniel O'Mahony
Faction Paradox (6)