Lost Priestess of the Nile
John Peter Drummond
Ki-Gor (46)
The Beast-Gods of Atlantis
Ki-Gor (47)
Night of the Wasuli Death
Ki-Gor (53)
De Secretis Mulierum
L. Timmel Duchamp
Living Trust
Quinn's Deal
The Executioners' Guild
Andy Duncan
The Chief Designer
The Man Who Staked the Stars
Charles Dye & Katherine MacLean
Alien Resonance
Thomas A. Easton
In the Dark
Cynthia Eden
Marîd Changes His Mind
George Alec Effinger
Marîd Audran (1)
Greg Egan
Riding the Crocodile
Hot Rock
In the Western Tradition
Phyllis Eisenstein
The Lifted Veil
George Eliot
Mefisto in Onyx
Harlan Ellison