Kubla Khan
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Time, Real and Imaginary
"Her Demon Lover" (excerpt from Kubla Khan)
Virgil Finlay's Poetry Series (1)
Mary Elizabeth Counselman
All in Green Went My Love Riding
E. E. Cummings
Drive Thru
Kenneth Darling
Dave Duggins
The Dying of the Light
Amber van Dyk & Elizabeth Bear
Newton's Mass
Timons Esaias
In the Wake of the Quiet One
Kendall Evans
Inside the Bubble Chamber
Robert Frazier
Loup garou
Serena Fusek
Vampire Sestina
Neil Gaiman
Bay Wolf
Desert Wind
Eaten (Scenes from a Moving Picture)
Reading the Entrails: A Rondel
The Sea Change