Impulse 1967-01 v01n11
Impulse 1967-02 v01n12
Purple With Rage
Irving E. Cox, Jr.
One Ordinary Day, with Peanuts
Shirley Jackson
Here Is Thy Sting
John Jakes
The Beast
The Man Who Could Not Die
E. K. Jarvis
Sea Wrack
Edward Jesby
The King and the Dollmaker
Wolfgang Jeschke
Vale, Pollini!
George Johnston
D. F. Jones
Colossus (1)
The Search for Truth
Frederic B. Jueneman
Four Brands of Impossible
Norman Kagan
Whatever Happened to Suderov?
Steve Kaldor
Stephen A. Kallis, Jr.
Science Fact (Analog) (1)
The Typewriter
David H. Keller, M.D.