Shadows of Sanctuary
Robert Asprin
Thieves' World (3)
The Shattered Mask
Richard Lee Byers
Forgotten Realms: Sembia (3)
Siege of Shadows
Lynn Abbey
The Silver Wolf
Alice Borchardt
Legends of the Wolves (1)
The Simbul's Gift
Forgotten Realms: Nobles (6)
Songs of the Dancing Gods
Jack L. Chalker
Dancing Gods (4)
Soul of the City
Robert Asprin & Lynn Abbey
Thieves' World (8)
Storm Season
Thieves' World (4)
The Sword-Edged Blonde
Alex Bledsoe
Eddie LaCrosse (1)
Tales from Watership Down
Richard Adams
Watership Down (2)
Steven Brust
Vlad Taltos (4)
Vlad Taltos (3)
The Tower of Death
Andrew J. Offutt & Keith Taylor
Cormac Mac Art (7)
Uneasy Alliances
Thieves' World (11)
The Unforsaken Hiero
Sterling E. Lanier
Hiero Desteen (2)
Walking the Labyrinth
Lisa Goldstein
The White Gryphon
Mercedes Lackey & Larry Dixon
Mage Wars (2)
Winter's Tale
Mark Helprin