Victor Milán
Rogue Angel (11)
Rat King
Andy Boot
Deathlands (51)
Robert Asprin & Eric Del Carlo
Wartorn (1)
The Return of the King
J. R. R. Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings (3)
Riders of the Steppes
Harold Lamb
The Complete Cossack Adventures (3)
Salvation Road
Deathlands (58)
Secret Of The Slaves
Rogue Angel (8)
Skydark Spawn
Edo Van Belkom
Deathlands (61)
The Spider Stone
Mel Odom
Rogue Angel (3)
Swords of the Steppes
The Complete Cossack Adventures (4)
Where the Golden Apples Grow
Kage Baker
Mars (Kage Baker) (1)
Wizard and Glass
Stephen King
The Dark Tower (4)