And Less Than Kind
Mercedes Lackey & Roberta Gellis
Serrated Edge Prequels (4)
And Loving It!
William Johnston
Get Smart (6)
And Strange at Ecbatan the Trees
Michael Bishop
Tom Swift and the Cosmic Astronauts
Jim Lawrence
Tom Swift, Jr. (16)
And the Devil Will Drag You Under
Jack L. Chalker
Tom Swift and the Electronic Hydrolung
Tom Swift, Jr. (18)
Tarzan and "The Foreign Legion"
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tarzan (22)
Tom Swift and the Visitor from Planet X
Tom Swift, Jr. (17)
And Then the Town Took Off
Richard Wilson
And Then There'll Be Fireworks
Suzette Haden Elgin
The Ozark Trilogy (3)
The Andorians: Among the Clans
S. John Ross & Steven S. Long & Adam Dickstein
LUG (9)
Android Planet
Douglas R. Mason
Space 1999 (8)
The Android's Dream
John Scalzi
The Android's Dream (1)
Andromeda Breakthrough
Fred Hoyle & John Elliot
Andromeda (2)
Andromeda Gun
John Boyd