Blind Panic
Graham Masterton
Manitou / Harry Erksine (5)
Gardens of the Sun
Paul J. McAuley
The Quiet War (2)
Heir of the Dog
Judi McCoy
Dog Walker (2)
Fire: Tales of Elemental Spirits
Robin McKinley & Peter Dickinson
Tales of Elemental Spirits and Creatures (2)
Innocence Proves Nothing
Alex Stewart
Dark Heresy (2)
Imager's Challenge
L. E. MOdesitt, Jr.
The Imager Portfolio (2)
The Alchemaster's Apprentice
Optimus Yarnspinner
Zamonia (1)
Magic in the Shadows
Devon Monk
Allie Beckstrom (3)
Queen Victoria: Demon Hunter
A. E. Moorat
Fish Story
Tracy S. Morris
Mike Moscoe
Kris Longknife (7)
The Winter Ghosts
Kate Mosse
Army of Shadows
Stan Nicholls
Orcs: Bad Blood (2)
Slide Trombone
David Nickle
"In autumn, a white dragon looks over the wide river."
Naomi Novik
Temeraire (3.5)
Jody Lynn Nye
Another Life
Charles Oberndorf
The Call of Kerberos
Jonathan Oliver
Twilight of Kerberos (6)
In the Autumn of the Empire
Jerry Oltion
Heart Change
Robin D. Owens
Celta (8)