Straight to You

David Moody


Published: Jan 2, 1996


By nature human beings spend their time doing what they're told to do rather than what they think they should be doing. Steven Johnson is a corporate puppet - a man who spends his time doing the bidding of his overpaid masters, whether he agrees with their actions or not. He does well out of the deal - he has a comfortable life, plenty of money and a high class car and home. But something is missing. And at the very moment Johnson finds what he's looking for to make his life complete, everything else is taken away. STRAIGHT TO YOU is a relentless, bleak, twisted and controversial love story. Dark and uncompromising with an unbearable suspense which is maintained to the very last page. ".harrowing and soul searching." ".riveting reading." "David Moody has written a book which grabbed me when I wasn't looking. Straight to You is a book I won't forget."