Daughters of Earth and Other Stories
Judith Merril
The Best of Judith Merril
Survival Ship and Other Stories
10th Annual Edition: The Year's Best S-F
The Year's Best S-F (10)
The 9th Annual of the Year's Best SF
The Year's Best S-F (9)
The 7th Annual of the Year's Best S-F
The Year's Best S-F (7)
SF: The Best of the Best
The Year's Best S-F (1)
The Best of Sci-Fi 5
The Year's Best S-F (5)
SF:'57: The Year's Greatest Science Fiction and Fantasy
The Year's Best S-F (2)
S-F: The Year's Greatest Science-Fiction and Fantasy
Books (F&SF, February 1969)
Judith Merril & Gahan Wilson
Books (F&SF) (1)
Books (F&SF, September 1968)
Books (F&SF, August 1968)
Books (F&SF, June 1968)
Books (F&SF, March 1968)