Alphabet of Thorn
Patricia A. McKillip
The Bell at Sealey Head
The Book of Atrix Wolfe
The Changeling Sea
The Cygnet and the Firebird
Cygnet (2)
Fool's Run
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld
The Gorgon in the Cupboard
Harpist in the Wind
The Quest of the Riddle-Master (3)
The Harrowing of the Dragon of Hoarsbreath
Harrowing the Dragon
Heir of Sea and Fire
The Quest of the Riddle-Master (2)
The House on Parchment Street
In the Forests of Serre
Lady of the Skulls
The Lion and the Lark
Naming Day
Od Magic
The Old Woman and the Storm
Ombria in Shadow